Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How big is your yard?

There are insane debates going on about the climate change, whether we are going to survive this century and more of the blah. Me ending the earlier statement on a dismissive note does not mean that these debates are useless and are of no consequence. The issues are of utmost importance and need to be addressed.

Everyone talks about the necessity to reduce the green house gases(GHGs) emission and curb Global Warming, but very few talk about the ways to do it. For a layman especially, it would be difficult to understand the jargon that goes around in the scientific community. So a mode of communication and education that tells people 'What to do' is of much greater value than the one that says 'What is happening'. Of course, awareness too, is a must. But the results are seen only with the actions, and in this case, the actions are responses to 'What to do' and not 'What is happening'.

One such effort that my friend's father asked me to go through is the publication by TIME magazine on 51 Things We Can Do to Save the Environment. And one thing that was quite amazing among the observations that the report makes is the fact that Bamboo can prove to be one of the biggest guzzlers of Carbon Dioxide, and hence people who address the issue of Global Warming should not go around shouting 'Plant Trees, plant More Trees' like amateurs. Instead they should get a bit smarter and specific and do things that actually help the cause and direct people towards planting more Bamboo trees.

As the article on Bamboos in TIME magazine rightly concludes:
''How big is your yard?''

1 comment:

abhishek gaurav said...

very sensible.....after reading "state of fear" and watching "inconvenient trurh"...i was in two minds,of course,and also was what can i do ?

now i have my answer !