Yet again! Check out the red ellipse that I have marked. Click here for part 1.
Trippy? have better things to say and call them trippy...
In the first pic...your mail had some content which made google feel that the Yahoo! ad is the best (yes Yahoo! advertizes everywhere)
In the second pic...your friend Umashankar (i thought you wanted to blur out the name of the person who sent it) sent a mail from Yahoo! and Yahoo! has a bad habit of appending it's ads to the end of the mails (afterall it's a free service)
by the way its a good thing that you are reading the vague corners of mails...where did you learn that from??? ;)
Trippy? have better things to say and call them trippy...
In the first pic...your mail had some content which made google feel that the Yahoo! ad is the best (yes Yahoo! advertizes everywhere)
In the second pic...your friend Umashankar (i thought you wanted to blur out the name of the person who sent it) sent a mail from Yahoo! and Yahoo! has a bad habit of appending it's ads to the end of the mails (afterall it's a free service)
by the way its a good thing that you are reading the vague corners of mails...where did you learn that from??? ;)
Thank you for enlightening me. I feel stupid to have not noticed the fact that Yahoo! appeared as a part of the mail.
Nevertheless, I feel good for I will not repeat such a mistake once again.
Thank you once again.
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