Black Google(?) - Blackle
Do check this out.
Irrespective of whether the facts about the amount of energy being saved are true or not, we should not ignore the fact that some energy is definitely saved.
So start using Blackle.
And in general, use darker wallpapers (preferably black) and switch off your computers when you aren't using them. People tend to forget that computers to consume power even during the sleep/stand by/hibernation mode.
So please do whatever little you can do to save whatever little energy you can.
You will be able to appreciate it if you manage to tell many more like you, and hence see a greener future.
Umm.. here is a better idea. Why not stop using computers altogether, that will SURELY save a lot of energy don't you think! :P
On a more serious note: The black interface is slisha bugging da. I can't read the results.
this is beside the point, but just to point out a misconception, power is not wasted when you put your computer on Hibernate. Hibernate is similar to shut down, the only difference being that the 'state of your computer' which is nothing but the contents of the RAM; is dumped on your hard disk so that it can be reloaded into your RAM the next time your comp is switched on. So hibernate is definitely the the better power saving option compared to standby.
Vijay R. S.
Well, the first thing I would do is change the blog background to black, Czar, do give its the try.
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