Wednesday, May 21, 2008


First day:
Pleasant surprise at the station. Beautiful drive with great company.
Breakfast : 5 chappatis, 5 servings of mango pulp, 5 servings of stuffed capsicum, mango pickles, two glasses of thick butter milk, carrot halwa and guavas.
Quick ride in the afternoon and three hours of being in the elements.
2 pitchers, and 2 good ones, and one wild ride back home.

Quite an eventful day for the first one at home.

I got the license to live, but I wish I could trade it for a few more days at the place which gave me the license.


all or nothing said...

wow! :-)

entwined said...

wowwww....glad:)....but m missin u already :(

Soumya Venugopal said...

quite an apetite mr!!! i am sure the female fraternity wont be jealous of u in sometime.. :P


niki said...

Bole!! I miss mangoes :(..namma blore best moms!!

Czar said...

@ All or nothing : An easier name to address you would help. In any case, it was WOW. :)

@ Prachi : Come down to the beer city. Lets have a good time.

@ Idli : Yes yes! :P

@ Nikesh : Bevars, not bangalore mangoesaa, it is the ratnagiri aapoos :)