Monday, November 06, 2006


I am about to go to sleep and being in the place I am, I can possibly relate everything to sleep. Well, a sane and normal person here, is either 'sleep deprived' or has 'over slept' on any given day. I do not understand why it is so, but then, not everything is under your control all the time.

The crux of this post is how things take shape and have an impact merely on the basis of the expression. When I thought of sleeping the word 'crash' came to my mind and it struck me that I should jot down the importance of what I was associating with 'crash'. I will put down what exactly happened that made me understand the implications of different expressions and leave the analysis to all those who have the capacity to think and would want to analyze even the most trivial things to the greatest detail. Well of course, some times, even I fall into that category *smirks*.

Setting: A class room with 'n' students and a very diligent professor who is trying to convey some message to the 'not so' diligent students. One of my friends is happily sleeping and another is explaining to me, the unparalleled ability to sleep, of the first one. For simplicity let us call the friend who is sleeping as X and the one who is in awe of such an ability as Y.

The simple fact that X is sleeping continuously over a period of four classes could have been expressed in ways as described below. As I mentioned before, I will leave the analysis of the two ways to people who would admire the subtle differences in the two, and the relatively big differences in their impacts, and also appreciate the nuances of the two.

* ''Dude! This guy has been crashing for the last four classes in a row. I don't understand how he manages to do something like that man. ''

* ''Dude! *Pointing at X's weary head* You know what this guy's been up to since the morning? Let me tell you the amount of efforts he has been putting in, in the past few classes. First hour, crash. Second hour, crrash. Third hour, crrrassh. And now, again, crrrassshh.''

No prizes for guessing that Y used the second way of expressing the situation. I am in awe of both X and Y, for obvious reasons. I would love to sleep, unperturbed by anything whatsoever. Every single fact can be stated in a way that amplifies the possible impact. I wish I learn to do it too. Every time.


Anonymous said...

true...Y's way of pointing it out did bring out X's ability to
cr(rrr)ash Beyond Control (underline the caps in the last two words)

Makam said...


Nice maga..

Alone Dreamer said...

nice buddy...
by the way me too fall in category of that X who loves to crrrraassshhhhh during class hrs... :-)