Tuesday, October 07, 2008


have progressed from stonage for good...
...unless another world war forces me back to it.


amrit said...

The next time you decide to do it again, remember you put up a post, so many read it and out of them, at least a few expected you to live up to your words, because they had faith in you.

Have great health, at all times. :)

niki said...

hahahah brilliant

me still playing the game...btw I realized that I'm reinventing the wheel again :)

KSHITIJ said...

'Progressed' to? The Dark Ages?

Vikas Shenoy said...

Errr.. this post comes after Shaastra. So, this one is a new development for me.

If I am right in what I am thinking, I am happy for you and wish that the world wars are all over.


Oh, btw this comment comes from namma Bangalore - I had come home for the weekend.

Czar said...

@ Vatsap: I know I am late in responding to the comments. But, I feel good that I am late in my response this time, as I can susbtantiate the post with proof.
This post was up on Oct 7th, 2008 and now it is 2009. Mr. Amrit Vatsa, thanks to those few who have faith in me, I have not got stoned since Oct. :) looking forward to better health every single day.

@ Niki: I am not sure if you were successful in the reinvention, but yes I was not playing the game. I am glad the game is over, and I am sure as hell, when I was playing it, I made sure I had a great time. :)

@ Deja: Define 'The Dark Ages'

@ Lays: New development stays. :)