Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I have been tagged by Aniket, and have stayed so for quite some time now. My work has kept me busy and I haven’t been able to post anything for a while now. In fact, I wanted to post something about my work itself, but lack of time hasn’t let me to. Anyway, if you have the time go through the following.

Here are the rules:

  1. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
  2. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
  3. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.

8RF about me:

  1. I love giving bath to my pets, including cats. That was the case till I almost killed a kitten when I was four years old, and my mother made sure that I knew that the cause was the bath. Since then, I pity the cats. :P. I still love giving a bath to my dog though.
  2. I smoked my first cigarette at the age of four. My father’s friend put a lit cigarette in my mouth, and left me coughing incessantly for the rest of the day. It made me feel like a man then. It is after ten years, maybe, that I realized that the feeling was just a result of some ads and movies that I had seen. Nevertheless, it was a kickass feeling.
  3. Till 1st standard it was my mother who used to do the drawings which were a part of my homework. Thanks to her spanking one day and asking me to do my work myself, I realized that I was way better than her at drawing, and there has been no stopping since. Now, I sketch sporadically, and some say I sketch well.
  4. I ate thirty pickles to save my pride and honor when my uncle kept eating the pickles from my plate. He did it just to provoke me and only after I finished the thirty did I realize that he had eaten only four. Thank god! I did not have to visit the lou like they show in the movies. My digestive system took it all.
  5. I think I have the ability to smell the presence of a snake. I am not sure about this, but I have this feeling that I can attribute a strange characteristic smell to the presence of a snake, and have been right on quite a few occasions.
  6. Of late I have been obsessed with 100 bullets, and I think that it is the coolest thing that has happened to this planet.
  7. I used to enjoy going to the movies alone during a phase of my life. I have not tried it recently. I guess, I will still enjoy it.
  8. I had planned a plot to dump some mercury from the broken thermometer into the water bottle of a girl in my school days. I believe it was during my eighth standard. She is alive and healthy, which leaves me with only one conclusion: Thank God! Because recently I realized this.

Now that I am done with stating the eight random facts that first came to my mind, I tag CB, MGM, Paapi, Prasanna, Pi, KV, Varun, and Deja.

Tags taken up so far:

Pi's Mixtape, Paapi, Deja


KSHITIJ said...

Do the rules allow for a Tagged to tag back?

Czar said...

@ Deja:

Slow Sprinter said...

@ ceaser
Very nice random fundae about your life man,

R. S.

Hetero sapien said...

Thanks for getting me hooked to 100 bullets! And bathing a cat!! Doesn't that border beastiality?? (Pardon me, I'm perverted) :=P

Twilight Fairy said...

hmmm... if you believe in rebirth, you might want to consider the possibility of having been a mongoose in your previous birth...

hey.. its good to enjoy watching movies alone.. its after all a lonely world..

wolverine said...

LOL max!... u shud be happy tht the poor girl is still ALIVE!!!...and haha.. smoking at four.... thts way over the top man!

Saturday Night Takeout said...

Done, albeit a little differently.

bharath said...

i thought i tagged u on this!

KSHITIJ said...

Tag taken up....and disable this bullshit 'todwu'....and tell me how if you manage to.